True Friends

I think I might just have the best friends in the world. Now, I don’t mean this to be some sort of contest about who actually has the best friends in the world. Nor am I going to decide on which of my friends is the best. This is more of a general, “man, I love you guys” kind of email.

See, I’ve been sick for awhile now. It started before Christmas and has been about 5 months of unpredictable bouts with digestive nightmares. Not at all pleasant. In the last two months I’ve been through several nasty spells and more than a few tests. Turns out the last test was the one that actually had results: I have a low functioning gallbladder. This means it has to come out. I am not particularly happy about this fact, but the thought of not knowing if I’m suddenly going to be doubled over with stomach cramps during the middle of a lesson, or lose control of my bowels at a movie, makes it worth it.

The reason I bring up my friends is because they have been so sweet through all of my ups and LOTS of downs. With only a moment’s notice, they have taken over my classes while I got sick. They have given up their prep time so that I could get in for testing. Today one of them swooped in and took over the detention I was supposed to supervise so that I could go home and rest. This was particularly kind because between my chest cold and my gallbladder, I had spaced detention duty entirely. I had no one to pick up my son and I felt horrible. Without the slightest hint of annoyance, she stepped in and took right over.

One of my friends even rearranged her vacation so she could help me out after my surgery. True, that was in part due to the fact her plans changed a bit, but before she moved things, she felt really guilty and offered to do anything for me she could before she left. *

I know these behavoirs aren’t exactly suprising, after all, they are my friends. Friends are supposed to be there to help each other. It’s not that I’m surprised they are so kind to me. Afterall, why would I want to be friends with people who aren’t kind, or would leave me in the lurch? But as I know the majority of people who read this blog are also counted in my nearest and dearest, this is part of my way of saying thanks. I really believe I have the most amazing friends ever.

Thanks for putting up with my whining. And my burping (it’s not me, it’s my stupid diseased gallbladder) and for helping me get through a really rotten time. I love you guys!

*of course, I do suspect that this same friend actually leaked her vile gallbladder cooties all over me and caused my gallbladder to stop functioning correctly because she wanted us to both to be miserable (and have matching scars)

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Filed under bad days, love, my friends, ramblings, what makes me me

One response to “True Friends

  1. themcp

    jeezus. I check out for a couple weeks and SUDDENLY PEOPLE ARE LOSING ORGANS.

    hope you feel better! and happy belated birthday!

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